
Showing posts from February, 2018

Be Still

As we get closer to camping season,  I find myself yearning for the solitude  and stillness of the woods. We're just a few weeks away  but it feels like a lifetime! I long to be back in a tent,  waking to the quiet wilderness. I miss gazing at the magnificent night sky,  lounging by a crackling fire. I miss the whispers of the woods,  the river's gurgle and splash. I miss the sigh of the wind through leaves,  the murmur of streams and patter of rain. It is out there, I just can't reach it, not quite yet I desire it desperately  because, being out there, is a reminder to me to be still Out there, is home It's a place where I can be genuinely free Free from rushing through life Harried and worried about so many things Out there, I can fish or hike or just  soak in the beauty of creation Be still, it all whispers to me  There's no need to be anxious It will all be alright  I can br...


I don't know when, or why, I thought it would be a fun idea to title every one of my blog posts with words that start with the letter "B" But, as with all of my "fun ideas" it has become a challenge.  I nearly came to the point that my excuse for not writing anymore was just that  I just could not think of any more blog titles. I wonder why it was so easy to give up like that.  Not just in writing, but, perhaps, in many things in life.  The word I've used for this blog post title,  translated from the beautiful German language,  means "Just a little".  It takes just a little excuse to stop doing something you used to love. It takes just a little time to forget the reasons why you began. It takes just a little thought to stop trying, and just give up. However The opposite is also true. It takes just a little energy to type words on a keyboard It takes just a little bravery to hit the "Publish" ...