Choosing to go on two decently expensive trips in the next 3 months is going to be a challenge. And it didn't really hit me until now how much of a challenge it has evolved into. I will have to raise a total of $5,000 for both missions, not to mention basic expenses of life that will need to be financed on these excursions. To be honest, I am freaking out. These are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to share my life and my faith and live out the great commission. Christ tells us that we need to be reaching out to the nations, spreading His Gospel to the globe and sharing His love with the world. And if the cost to do that is $5,000 then what can possibly hold me back (except my freaking out)? It was revealed to me last night during Greg Boyle's explination of the Christian belief system. Our, that is, my, belief is that I am saved through the free GIFT of grace through the blood of Jesus. I have done absolutely nothing to gain salvation or entrance into the kingdom of Heav...