
I can't stand it. That red gushy stuff that pumps through veins, my stomach and my eyes just can't handle.
I remember my very first time passing out during a relatively bloody sequence of a movie. It was Cinderella Man during the slo-mo boxing scene. The lights were flashing, and when the combatants let their fists fly, the blood flowed, too. And everything in my vision went light then dark, I felt sick and then I was out. The second time nearly took me out, too. The scene in Ironman when you can hear the squishy beats of his heart, nearly made me pass out. I could name more, but the list is rather embarrassing. I have sworn off movies known for gore including: The Passion of the Christ, Gladiator, that other one with Russell Crowe, that other one with Mel Gibson, Blackhawk Down, Band of Brothers, and that animated "kids" movie Watership Down. Even animated blood gets to me! It doesn't even matter if the film is silent or in black and white! My imagination goes completely crazy and I am out. This is not to mention real life instances when I have lost my cool when it comes to blood. My brother, who has a penchant for regularly creating hazardous scenarios, smashed his hand through a glass window. The wound was minor but the blood flow, not so much. I attempted to help him put gauze and ointment on the gash, but before knew it I swooned straight down onto the floor. Tile is nice and cold when one is passed out. One also experiences strange, psychotic dreams...
I wish it was safe to say I am free from my fainting days, but the second I catch a whiff or see red, my view turns dark and I lose control of my limbs. My poor children must NEVER get hurt around me, I will be no good to them after I see the damage. Husband, if you're out there, please be able to handle blood - I will love you forever.


  1. I've heard that,as a parent, you overcome that stuff really quick. It doesn't bother you as much when it's your own kids. That's what other parents have told me, at least.


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