
Showing posts from May, 2013


I've always been a Beauty and the Beast fan, but it wasn't until after I realized how epic the story was that I deemed it my one of my top Disney favorites. Now, the movie couldn't be told without the epic-ness of Belle. She's a strong female lead with sweet vocals (not to mention her assortment of household friends) Thus, here are my 6 reasons why Belle is an epic Disney Princess. ...and sheep, for some reason. ...with her eyes closed. #hardcore. ...adopting the "if I can't see you, you can't see me" game changer ...need I say more? ...perfectly timed. #myhero. ...and loves the Prince within. And that, kids, is what the story is all about.

Broughton Castle

              The Home of Lord and Lady Saye and Sele, Broughton Castle is rated one of the most beautiful castles in England. Surrounded by picturesque woods and an authentic mediaeval moat, Broughton is nestled in the untouched landscape of Oxfordshire.               The castle welcomes guests from all over the globe (we met some from Canada!), who are allowed to wander through stunning gardens and a lovely chapel. I actually found it odd meeting Americans in this uniquely English house, but I guess I'll have to get used to Americans everywhere again :)             The castle houses original furniture and detailed paintings, as well as letters and rare books from by-gone days. After touring the castle itself, it's a joy to watch sheep grazing lazily on the castle's extensive grounds and ducks resting on the moat's placid waters.            All i...


Like the best mix between Jack Johnson and Bruno Mars  is Gianluco Bezzina. He competed in EuroVision 2013 and represented Malta. And I just can't get his song out of my head! I know he didn't win, but I am constantly amazed by international talents and I hope I find a bunch of people who will celebrate Eurovision 2014 with me!


I've just been goofing off with bits of pictures I've taken and making them all a bit stylized.  They're not a bit fancy, but they show a bit of what I see in God's great world.


Gorgeous lake Buttermere,  comfortably nestled in the heart of the Lake District. Honestly, I have no idea who names these lakes, I mean, Windermere?  Really?  And Ullswater?  Seriously? Still, they are beautiful. Whoever said that the Lake District is "God's Country" is...  completely right. Ain't it a sight? You can take the hiking trail all the way around this lake, and I dare your blood pressure to calm down. It's the kind of place you wish you lived, the kind of place you would always be inspired. Contented. Spoiled. Creative. And yet - While you might never get tired  of its sweet placidity, of its impressive grandiosity, you might not be appreciative  of what you might have ALREADY.  I mean, sure, you can go on awesome vacations, to amazing locations and serene lakes. BUT what about the place you're already at? Isn't inspiring in itself? I find that when I'm contented, a...

Big Sister

My sister is awesome. She's 2 1/2 years older than me, but most people think we're twins. She and I are nuts when we're together. We laugh at stupid things and cry for silly things. We refer to ourselves as "we", even when one of us is gone. Whoever gets married first,  we joke that the other one will live in her basement. We share stories, dreams, hopes, and clothes. She's the first to encourage and the last to give up. We're different in many ways, but similar in the best ways. We're nerdy, but we don't mind. I love that sister of mine.


   I haven't ridden a bike since...I don't even know how when.         When I was a kid, biking was the easiest (and coolest) mode of transportation.         I would strap my water bottle on with velcro,  double-check the warning bell,         pump the brakes for safety and I was off!          I was never a daredevil like some kids,            but I knew the basics enough to thoroughly enjoy myself.             But then, I stopped.  My bike was left in the garage as I busied myself with other pursuits. I left my bicycle alone, allowing it to slowly and painfully rust to death. Here's the parallel story. We do the exact same thing with our passions and talents. As kids, we relish our skills as professional every-things. As youngsters, we rev our imaginations,  strap on the...


         We drove an hour to get to the location of what I thought was the setting of Mr. Bingley's mansion in A&E's mini-series of Pride and Prejudice. Mom thought it was the set of Longbourn, the Bennett's abode in that same mini-series.           Turns out, Basildon House and Gardens has seen it's fair share of Hollywood fame. Think back to the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice and picture Netherfield Hall, the classic setting of Mr. Bingley and Jane's romance. The imposing interior and exterior of that building is none other than Basildon House. If you've seen Marie-Antoinette or The Duchess, you have no doubt glimpsed a small part of this glorious house.           It has a rich past, despite some neglect through the years, and now rests in the capable hands of the National Trust. From its foundational beginning in 1776 to becoming army barracks in the Second World War; from its structural decli...


Spring has come at last to merry ol' England! Bearing witness to the happy occasion are multitudinous flowers and blooms. Yellow, pink, red, and purple (but mostly yellow, I see)  have overcome winter's bleak and brown. Praise God for spring. For the joy that comes from new beginnings and births. For the hope that rises in each bright morning sunrise. (early though it comes). For the reminder that I am being made new, from a withering stem to a blossoming bud.


Sorry, Gramma.  I have yet to nab my Prince Charming.  But in the meantime, I've been busy making a list. A list of the top 6 qualities I'll admire about my future Prince.  They are, of course, Disney-style. Do these hit the mark or am I just dreaming?