
Showing posts from March, 2018


This time of year everything is coming alive Breathing, growing, blossoming There is still snow on the ground,  Cold clinging to the shadows  BUT it is spring! Everywhere, there is new life The birds chirp happily,  greeting the morning with cheer Warmth and sunshine bring hope to the world. Once again Bright blue skies and brilliant sunsets chase away bitter wind and biting darkness There is such beauty in fragile things.

Brother: Special 3 Year Anniversary Edition

1. Superman posing on La Luz Trail, Sandia Mountains, circa 2010 2. I think we were both feeling unwell...we look rather deranged, actually. 3. The Five Wandering Webbs, circa Christmas 2012  4. Always plugged into electronics 5. Photobomber! (New Mexico State University, circa 2010)    ----------------- It's been 3 years , dear brother, since we had to say goodbye. You were 23 when you left, which always strikes me as too young. Yet, looking through these pictures, I laugh at us, how much we lived! And I realize, those years, so few in number, were so still rich and so full. You didn't know the future, but you loved as best you could. You faced each day courageously, with humor and joy. You were a great brother,  a loving son, a handsome husband, a fun cousin, a goofy nephew, a caring grandson, a giving friend. I'm so grateful for you, Kolby. And I am so honored to have been your sister! Thanks, bro, for sharing 2...


Can the blind have sight, have sight? When you see us all alone Can you heart your people, Lord? - Does Your Heart Break?  - - by The Brilliance - How often must I ask? God, are you listening to us? do you see us? We've seen what you've done, but we remain blind to what you are doing now. Why do you remain hidden from us? Your goodness is everywhere,  yet we continue on, stumbling in the dark,  attempting to understand. God, help us. Like the Disciples of old, in their naivety and youth, we struggle with your works and words Why are you yet a mystery? Reveal yourself to us Show us your plans for us. Desperate and alone, we long for you. We continue to wait,  as the Eleven in the upper room,  not daring to hope, doubting the Truth Come to us, Lord,  Give us life and joy and peace. We want to know you, God,  We want to see you.

Bangkok and Beyond

1. Tropical Paradise on Koh Kood Island, Southeastern Thailand 2. Mango with Coconut Sticky rice at Silom Cooking School 3. In the Grand Palace and Temple of Thai Kings 4. Walking with Elephants in Chiang Mai, northern city in Thailand 5. Bangkok Skyline, home to 8 million People Sawadee ka!  (Hello in Thai) :) These 5 pictures are only a handful of the many I took on my recent trip to the Land of a Thousand Smiles . Although pictures do speak a thousand words, I wonder how I could possibly describe this rich, diverse and beautiful country in just 5 words? 1. Versatile:  Not only does one have to be flexible when touring the country, but the country is also so versatile in so many ways. Each city, region, location has its own culture, people groups, social norms, food and mode of transportation. My friend and I traveled to the middle (Bangkok), the south (the island of Koh Kood) and the north (Chiang Mai, Rose of the North) and...