Brother: Special 3 Year Anniversary Edition

1. Superman posing on La Luz Trail, Sandia Mountains, circa 2010

2. I think we were both feeling unwell...we look rather deranged, actually.

3. The Five Wandering Webbs, circa Christmas 2012 

4. Always plugged into electronics

5. Photobomber! (New Mexico State University, circa 2010)

It's been 3 years, dear brother, since we had to say goodbye.
You were 23 when you left, which always strikes me as too young.
Yet, looking through these pictures, I laugh at us, how much we lived!
And I realize, those years, so few in number, were so still rich and so full.
You didn't know the future, but you loved as best you could.
You faced each day courageously, with humor and joy.

You were a great brother,
 a loving son,
a handsome husband,
a fun cousin,
a goofy nephew,
a caring grandson,
a giving friend.

I'm so grateful for you, Kolby.
And I am so honored to have been your sister!
Thanks, bro, for sharing 23 years of your life with me.
I will always remember you.
See you in Heaven!


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