
My most deepest, most sincerest apologies for the lapse in writing and posting. I've not got a genuinely adequate excuse for ignoring this blog, BUT if you will graciously hear me out, I can try to give my reasoning.

The British Bake-Off

There, I admit it. I'm hooked, lined and sinkered.
This is a show I take incredibly seriously, as did the rest of the world when it first came to Netflix a few years ago. Slightly behind, I thick it my responsibility to see what the fuss is all about.
Wow. When it comes to this show, I'm gobsmacked that it makes me so chuffed.
There are competitions all over television these days, but nothing has ever enticed me so very much as this brilliantly (to borrow Mary Berry's famous word) "scrummy" show. It's three-quarters charming and one fourth incredibly, unbelievably intense. Not at all the Americanized intensity that defines The Bachelor or Survivor. Oh no. This is the sort of intensity that entails staring for hours into the oven. In one episode the participants are given 3 challenges and the audience is left to guess who will emerge triumphant. Wishing and praying for the perfect bake is all the show's about. I'm not joking. We're not messing around the kitchen in this show. These competitors must know their meringues and must never, I repeat, NEVER have a soggy bottom on their pastry. This is every baker's binge-worthy show.
After every episode I go through a depression. Realizing that as much as I enjoy baking, I can't even imagine ever being anywhere near the vicinity of the picturesque white tent in the middle of the perfect English countryside. All I can do is be content to bake my apple pies and cross my fingers that the pastry isn't too thick. All I can do is whip up some cake batter and hope the flavors are agreeable. All I can do at the end of the day is rise my bread dough and know that it's not under-proved.
Such is my life right now, and it's a good one.



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