Big Sister
Casey, the one and the only.
There was never a better sister for me.
So much about her to celebrate,
isn't she absolutely great?
She's incredibly amazing,
an unparelleld delight.
She fights for those she loves,
with all of her might.
Seriously, a more caring being
you never will find.
She's stunning
and modest
and brilliant, to boot.
She's insanely talented
and undeniably loyal - it's true!
I adore her,
and I know if you know her, you do, too.
Here's a few snapshots of us enjoying sisterhood:
When I'm with her
I'm NEVER bored.
A picture speaks a thousands words. Except...
...when there are no words.
Fake laughter ALWAYS turns into real laughter.
Normal isn't a word in our vocabulary.
Adulting is overrated.
If you don't have a sister, I recommend you get one.
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