
"What do you WANT to do? if you could do anything?"

The text glares at me, begging the silent question through the fingerprinted screen.

I want to make enough money to buy a new phone.

But that's not the question. The question is bigger than I want to answer.
I'll be graduating in May, as in three months from now May, as in I'd better get a handle on my life before that date of graduation in May.
Then what?

If I could do ANYTHING...

Marine biology pops into my head. That's the little 10-year-old me talking, saying that it's what I always wanted to do. I have held a fascination for the ocean for as long as I can possibly remember, and the remarkable creatures therein. From endangered sea turtles to 30 foot long squid, marine biology has been the answer to explore my deep water dreams.

Teaching, now why does that come to mind? I had an 11th grade U.S. history teacher who was one of the greatest  ladies I have ever known. She was so passionate and knowledgeable, so interesting and invigorating. Who cares a flip that the class was at an ungodly hour in the morning, she made me want to learn about President Eisenhower and test my WWII trivia. She wrote me a note on my graduation that I treasure to this day, something along the lines of "you can do anything". If she could do it, may be I can...

If only the question were, if I could BE anything what would I be...

A mom, a housewife, a homemaker, a mother. I believe my God-given calling is to be a wife and caretaker for my children. I long for my own house, my own family and the day-by-day adventures of grocery shopping and cleaning. It is hard convincing people that such a "career" is not a waste of time or resources, or of my education. It's hard holding out for someone with which to share this dream. But why would I feel so passionate about it if it wasn't meant to be?

I want to be successful but not in the ways the world thinks. This means embracing something I can't even see, not now and maybe not for a while. As for doing ANYTHING, I hope my anything means making the most out of every moment.


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