Bird is the Word

You know those certain memory-joggers that make your day?

My memory joggers usually come in the form of a snippet of song or a movie quote. I hear a little tune or catch a line and my mind goes on a roller coaster ride of remembrance. I'll be having a normal day, brushing my teeth or sorting my mail and wham-o! That forgotten song comes on and my mind skips and speeds on my memory's tilt-a-whirl. When I make it to the end of the ride I can't get the smile off my face.

My day has been made.

My current memory-jogger came in the form of a brilliant mash-up of two of The Rivington's tunes. It's called "Bird is the Word"and whenever I hear it, my day is never the same. It causes my mental roller coaster to zip away to a night where strangers became friends. It was an impromptu get-together with a few fellow college students who were naturally awkward and inclined to social shyness.

But, when one of the company burst into a solo rendition of "Bird", we were never the same. We were a weird bunch, but the randomness of the song made me realize how perfectly it worked. We came from different backgrounds, families, and stories and yet, we could appreciate the ludicrousness of the strange song. It cemented us, in a way, and encouraged us to embrace our silliness.

All this to say, I dare you to listen to this nutty ditty and not smile.


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