Brick Wall
Credit: My sister's camera |
She was having an ugly cry.
You know, the type of cry that you can't stop, no matter how hard you try. You hiccup and sob and sniff, but numerous tissues or face contortions do nothing to help curb the waterfall tears.
She tried speak again to two men sitting before her, but her voice failed. The men waited patiently, not seeming to mind her messy hair or runny makeup. One of them smiled encouragingly and that helped a little. She swallowed another sob and wiped mascara from her cheek with the back of her hand.
Through her tears, she noted the peculiar dress of the two men. Their gleaming white robes contrasted her careworn dress and their countenance was...well, dazzling. Taking a deep breath, she tried to corral her racing emotions.
The two well-dressed strangers continued to smile, but she concluded they were not going to speak again. Shrugging limp shoulders in defeat, she turned away.
She didn't know where else to look.
She didn't know who else to ask.
She'd hit a brick wall.
Her teacher was gone. And nobody, excluding the two men, it seemed, knew where he had gone.
Brushing matted hair from her face, she wandered back the way she'd come. The early morning chill still hung in the air, but she barely noticed. However, she did notice a figure of a man ahead of her. It didn't matter who he was, maybe he knew something. And she was desperate for something. Anything.
"Sir, sir!" She cried out to him, nearly tripping in her haste. Her eyes filled with tears when she realized he was her only hope. If he didn't have any answers to the questions burning in her heart, she was lost again.
And she would rather die had than be lost again.
"Why are you crying, miss?" The stranger asked when she reached him. He was plainly clad, quite the opposite from the other two men but mirroring the same patient attitude.
She knew she looked like a mess, but instead of condemnation, the man's question and gaze was filled with compassion.
"I'm...I'm..." She wanted to say she was hurt and angry and confused, but instead she blurted out, "I'm looking for him! Have you seen him?"
The man smiled, and surprisingly, held his arms out to embrace her.
"Mary." He said.
She knew she had found her teacher.
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