Everyone wants a vacation at some point in their life.
A little free time, a little run-away-to-a-hide-a-way type of outing.
Road trips, I believe, are the answer.
They are epic, they are awesome
and they are essential parts of the whole vacation experience.
So, to get the most out of your road trip/vacation,
I have compiled 6 tips from the Master:
Mr. Bean, himself.
...especially when journeying in a foreign country. will not regret it. The people in the car next you might. But you won't.
...road trip buddies can become BBF's. #fact.
...hole-in-the-wall diners have endless possibilities. #whynot?
...where ever you go, there you are.
As you can see, road tripping is half (or even a whole of) the fun.
So, hopefully this summer finds you hopping in your vehicle,
popping in your mixed CDs (90's style)
and hitting the road for the vacation of a lifetime!
Note: Thank you, Mr. Bean's Holiday, for these important road tripping fun facts.
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