
Showing posts from September, 2013


As I hope you know, I am an avid Ted Dekker fan.             He rivals no one when it comes to his epic thrillers and spiritual suspense novels.                           Recently I've completed another of his original stories and it rocked my world!           Blink of an Eye showcases the high-stakes adventures of a Saudi princess and a brilliant Berkley student who hit the road in order to escape the clutches of middle eastern leaders and twisted U.S. diplomats. The plot takes a turn when Seth the Berkley genius sees situations in the future that changes his decisions in the present, protecting Miriam the princess from a horrible fate. His foresight becomes the only thing keeping the fugitives alive and the world from war.        The real kicker from this book?                   The big questi...

But When Towers Fall

       I scooped a little bit more goat feed into my tattered bucket, knowing that Noah wouldn't mind the extra treat. Besides, Percy, the other Nubian goat, always stole my pet's food anyway, so a little could go a long way. After dumping their food in the large metal hay feeder, I closed the barn and trudged back up the hill to my house. I was thinking of how to make my pet goats best friends when I heard the unfamiliar crackle of a TV set making noise in the house. Huh? We never watched TV and if it was on...that was weird.         I opened the front door, and the TV's noise nearly blasted away my eardrums. Taking the stairs two at a time, I panted into the living room to I sight I will never forget.         Mom stood, one hand cupping her mouth, the other clutching the cordless phone, her eyes wide. My brother and sister were sitting on the couch, staring mesmerized at the horror unfolding on the televi...

Big Deal

"Grant me an occupation, or I shall go mad."  - Colonel Brandon   Sense & Sensibility Seriously, couldn't have said it better myself. As you may have noticed,  you two dedicated people who read my blog, I have been absent. I'm afraid I have no excuse for this, but, like the Colonel,  I have been trying to find occupation. Thankfully, I have not resorted to madness (it could be debated otherwise, however) but have found occupation in unlikely places. I have started to paint shoes. (Um...madness could be a possibility)  But, hey, it keeps my hands busy  while my mind is allowed to wander and whir. I've adopted ideas from multiple sources  and hope to sell some of my creations soon. Exhibit A: Project Shoe (not about to sell this pair, of course.  As you can see, I've already worn them in.) I have also been gearing up for November  in anticipation of a magnificent  project a...