Big Deal

"Grant me an occupation, or I shall go mad." 
- Colonel Brandon
 Sense & Sensibility

Seriously, couldn't have said it better myself.
As you may have noticed, 
you two dedicated people who read my blog,
I have been absent.
I'm afraid I have no excuse for this,
but, like the Colonel, 
I have been trying to find occupation.

Thankfully, I have not resorted to madness
(it could be debated otherwise, however)
but have found occupation in unlikely places.

I have started to paint shoes.
(Um...madness could be a possibility) 
But, hey, it keeps my hands busy 
while my mind is allowed to wander and whir.
I've adopted ideas from multiple sources 
and hope to sell some of my creations soon.

Exhibit A: Project Shoe

(not about to sell this pair, of course. 
As you can see, I've already worn them in.)

I have also been gearing up for November 
in anticipation of a magnificent  project
aptly titled NaNoWriMo. 
Yes, as in, National Novel Writers Month.
I have been mercilessly picking my brain
by rehearsing story ideas and hashing out plots.
It's immensely fun, but I'm vaguely terrified
1. I've never written an entire book before.
1b. Much less written 2,.000 words a day
2. I've never had my work critiqued en mass
2b. I'm not even sure en mass is a word
3. What if I give up before the end?

Thankfully, I won't be going it alone.
I have encouraging friends who I know
will always be there with a sweet word or two.

Lastly, but certainly not leastly 
I am attending main library orientation next week
in order to start my training 
in becoming a Substitute Librarian.
Yeah. I'm super stoked.
But, again, also slightly terrified.
1. What if I am a terrible librarian?
1b. Maybe I don't have what it takes 
to do my dream occupation
2. Libraries are immense. I might get lost.
2b. How long will I be a rookie?
3. Will this lead to bigger things?
3b. I don't know.

So, while not being occupied for a while 
has been beneficial and interesting
I'm coming up on a new season of growing and 
I just hope I don't go mad in the process.


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