Battle scars
We all have them. They are sometimes visible and sometimes not. They are the evidence that we face tragedy and yet overcome. They are the proof that, in the end, we are victorious. Ever since I was a small child, I've heard the saying "It doesn't count unless you get a scar out of it." And I would have to agree. Life hands wounds out like there's no tomorrow, but we can choose to accept them and then let them heal over. Scars tell stories, personal and intimate, they are the details that shape tales on our skin and in our hearts. As strange as it may seem, I love asking people about their scars - because it usually leads to a deeper conversation than anticipated. I could tell you about the half inch gash on my right knee, scarred over for fifteen years now. I received the scrape when I was climbing a fence after helping try to save my sister's colicky horse. The poor horse didn't make it, and I now have the scar to remember him by. Or, the evidence of ch...