
Showing posts from September, 2017


An original free verse  following the prayer of Job  (Old Testament Scripture) It's 12:30am  and I can't sleep It's pouring rain outside my window  Lightening is shattering the sky and thunder is heaving And I feel so small There can't be joy in this storm There can't be goodness not in this torrential downpour When given terrible, grief-inducing news  my heart wavers and  I can't help but wonder How can there be a silver lining? I see rainbows, magnificent and radiant and I can't help but ponder where,  in the hurt and horror,  does it belong? Have I, have We, angered God? Why does he lash against the world? Another crack of light splits the sky And I shiver in awe  I am so very mortal Not able to stand against the forces of nature I cannot tell a wave where to crash I cannot still the winds I can only kneel He takes and he gives and only he knows why Why a brother gone s...

Bilbo Baggins

               In celebration of Hobbit's Day 2017, I declare a tribute to J.R.R. Tolkien's beloved book (of which I've read seven times), The Hobbit. The titular character, Bilbo Baggins, is one in a million, easily one of my favorite literary characters. He was one of the bravest of Hobbits, a kind and cheerful adventurer. He found something once, something small and seemingly insignificant, a discovery that changed the future course of Middle Earth. His actions resulted in the saving of an entire land, his innocence becoming courage as he faced choices that no Hobbit had ever faced. Bilbo is one of my many heroes, and not because he models the ideal diet (breakfast, Elevensies, second breakfast, lunch, supper, tea time, dinner and dessert) but because he sought a journey that took him beyond himself and all he had ever known. He befriended Elves and Dwarves, fought Goblins and outwitted a Dragon, keeping up his hope even in the darkest of times...

Beauty from ashes

16 years ago --- calamity slammed into a tower followed by questions and explosions seconds ticked and once more Calamity struck collapsing buildings, ruining lives Walls crumpled, steel screamed innocents died unthinkable horrors mark that day pictures describe better than words the terror and terrorism  the rumble is a shadow now where memorials stand can there still be hope after? disaster, pain, heartache revulsion at the capabilities of man humanity swayed on their feet never to be the same and yet we rise from the ashes we are marred, broken hearts remembering but we are strong and we will rise we will shine as stars in the darkness of war as rays of light in the storm there is beauty to be found  in our sorrow there is hope  ---

Big Deal

There's a saying that goes "I'm kind of a big deal." I always laugh at that, because of how it's said - either people who say it are mocking themselves and don't actually believe they are "all that". On the other hand, people who say it genuinely believe they have it all and are really the truest of big deals. Such an interesting twist of a saying, don't you think? Me, I usually fall into the former spectrum, those people who tend to not see their worth as something to laud, humbling to the point of aggravating. The latter camp are those I admire, their confidence sells and I desire it. Confidence does not come easy for me, but neither does humility. Let me unpack what I mean. I'm not a big deal, but at the same time I wish I was, I'm glad I'm not. For me, there is too much pressure in upholding the status of "big deal" and yet when I meet people who are the genuine article I'm impressed by their charisma. If you...