Big Bang Theory
I am addicted to all things TBBT. Well, maybe not so far as memorizing "Rock, Paper, Lizard, Spock" and playing it with my nerdy friends, but addicted so much as to psychoanalyze my family and friends and relate them to their TBBT counterparts.) The reason I admit this is because I have an addiction problem. Well, I actually prefer to call it a loyalty conundrum (mmm...sounds like an TBBT episode title if I ever heard one!) The Loyalty Conundrum Theory goes something like this: if it's not The Big Bang Theory, it's Glee. If it's not Glee, it's New Girl. If it's not New Girl, it's The Mindy Project...etc. See what I mean? Besides the fact that it's super sad and rather cultish, I tend stick to shows that make me laugh and are so off-the-wall-weird it doesn't even make sense. Why? Because, when I'm watching them, I feel content. I feel special. Like I could be on a TV show. I relate to Sheldon's random understanding of soci...