
         Reading Jon Acuff's Quitter is motivational. Very motivational. He's a Christian writer, blogger, speaker, and satirist. He's someone who is pretty much living my dream. His book is the magic wand that inspired me to start this blogging thing again. After two failed attempts, I'm not too sure this won't be the third blogging Titanic, but why quit?

        Mr. Acuff states that our generation is a generation of quitters. We tend to always want to move on to the next thing, never content to stay where we are because we just KNOW that our dream is around the next corner. I was under the same illusion. If I simply "gave up", "let go", a.k.a."quit", my dream occupation would eventually swim my way and save me from drowning in my going-nowhere ocean.

Not so.

      Jon actually gives the illustration of swimming to prove his point. If you really want to learn how to swim, you have to get wet. Sure, you can read swimming technique articles from magazines about swimming. You can cook and eat  everything that a swimmer would eat or diet how a swimmer would diet. You can digest numerous swimming How-To books. But how in the world will you actually learn to swim unless you shrug on your swimsuit and jump in the actual water?

You can't.

       Your swimming lesson could be you sitting at that library desk, eyes wandering, fingers listless, that blank thesis paper document glaring at you, begging you to start.
Your lesson could be you twirling in your office chair, glancing at your Facebook page every five minutes and ignoring that stack of invoices demanding attention.
Your lesson could be you stuffing your pillow over your head, groaning that another day has begun but you aren't ready to face it yet.

Don't quit.

Write that paper.
Answer those invoices.
Get out of your pajamas.

Or keep writing that blog you ignored for a year and see what happens.

To stop quitting and start swimming, check out:


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