I've been debating whether to address this much debated topic. But after watching numerous informative Youtube videos on the controversial subject, I think I'm ready to tackle the issue of...boredom.
I think I can actually count the amount of times I've felt "bored" on one hand.
Being bored is not something I like to do, so I try to avoid situations that would allow boredom to interrupt my life. There are so many other things to do than be bored. There are so many other things to say than "I'm bored." Firstly, telling someone you are bored is nothing short of an insult. Imagine this conversation taking place:
Hi, Christie!
Hey, Betsy.
How're you?
I'm bored.
Ouch. Poor Betsy. If I were her (in fact, I have been Betsy once or twice in reality) I would feel jilted and hurt. Here I was, genuinely concerned for my friend's welfare and bam - my company is deemed "boring". Why would one interesting, intelligent human being say that they are "bored" when another, equally interesting human being is right there, simply wanting to have a decent chat?
Secondly, how can a person, full of life and vigor and love, find the planet Earth and its inhabitants boring? I prefer animated, exciting, and invigorating to describe this wonderful world in which we live. We are given 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month and 52 months a year. Now, that doesn't seem like a lot of time to be bored, but somehow we manage to find the time.
How about instead of claiming how bored we are, we insert that sentence with another activity.
Why don't we try these alternatives?
"I'm reading an exquisite book about pig racing."
"I'm practicing my dancing moves for a role in The Fiddler on the Roof."
"I'm buying a spatula at Wal-Mart.
In conclusion, boredom...
Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
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