Being Blonde

I literally had to Google how to spell the word "Blonde". Is it with an "e"? Does no "e" mean it's not a possessive pronoun? Hold on - what's a possessive pronoun again?

I loved English class in High school. That Mr. Nukula, what a teacher. Really knew his stuff. I think that's the first place I developed a love for classic literature. That, and I had a crush on the guy a few desks over. Nevermind. Being a teacher is hard work.

I'd rather study marine creatures. Haha! Those pale, funny whale/dolphins with squishy heads are adorable! I'm sure they have a scientific name...I should Google tha - oh, delphinapterus leucas a.k.a. beluga. What a cool name!

My second child's middle name should be Beluga. Of course, his first name will be Dominic. I picked that name out when I was seven. Funny how much I liked being seven...

Such is the life of a blonde.

Only me can call me blonde.
It's more of a burnt brown color...oops.

Maybe I can still get away with it.


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