
Showing posts from 2018


It's happens every year. Hundreds of hot air balloons fill the sky over Albuquerque, New Mexico. Every year, I forget that they do. I'll be on my way to work, in my own little world and...then I look up. There they are! Gracing the expanse above,  each one unique and spectacular. Oh. Then there's the weather. For three gorgeous weeks prior to Balloon Fiesta,  the weather could not be MORE perfect. Then, the very first day of Fiesta - it's just not. Rain, wind, monstrous, foreboding clouds that linger and threaten.  Plunging temps, rain, slicing breezes, rain, and did I mention rain? Ah. Also, there's the hoards that descend into Duke City. Traffic is…something else.  Visitors tend to rubberneck seeking balloons, the roads get a little lock-jammed. As I notice all the overwhelming amount non-NM plates, I wonder… "Do they know how great New Mexico is - even without the balloons?" I really do live in an amazing place. ...

Big Sister

Casey, the one and the only. There was never a better sister for me. So much about her to celebrate, isn't she absolutely great? She's incredibly amazing,  an unparelleld delight. She fights for those she loves,  with all of her might. Seriously, a more caring being  you never will find. She's stunning  and modest  and brilliant, to boot. She's insanely talented and undeniably loyal - it's true! I adore her, and I know if you know her, you do, too. --- Here's a few snapshots of us enjoying sisterhood: When I'm with her I'm NEVER bored. A picture speaks a thousands words. Except...  ...when there are no words. Fake laughter ALWAYS turns into real laughter.  Normal isn't a word in our vocabulary. Adulting is overrated. If you don't have a sister, I recommend you get one.


My most deepest, most sincerest apologies for the lapse in writing and posting. I've not got a genuinely adequate excuse for ignoring this blog, BUT if you will graciously hear me out, I can try to give my reasoning. The British Bake-Off There, I admit it. I'm hooked, lined and sinkered. This is a show I take incredibly seriously, as did the rest of the world when it first came to Netflix a few years ago. Slightly behind, I thick it my responsibility to see what the fuss is all about. Wow. When it comes to this show, I'm gobsmacked that it makes me so chuffed. There are competitions all over television these days, but nothing has ever enticed me so very much as this brilliantly (to borrow Mary Berry's famous word) "scrummy" show. It's three-quarters charming and one fourth incredibly, unbelievably intense. Not at all the Americanized intensity that defines The Bachelor or Survivor. Oh no. This is the sort of intensity that entails staring for hours ...

Blooms In Memoriam

Memorial Day:  A federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.  ---- I recently got a text from a dear friend that reminded me that we all fight and serve a kingdom much more than the U.S.  Let me illuminate what I mean.  We humans live and die for a cause that is so much more than fighting in other countries for freedom.  We humans live and die for a cause that is so much more than our own peace and prosperity .  We humans life and die to bring about God's kingdom. Now, we may or may not be warring against physical forces,  but we all face and must fight against spiritual forces in our daily lives.  There are those of us who have lost loved ones in that cause,  or even know beloved friends and family on the front lines of this ongoing war.   I haven't lost a brother in the armed forces fighting for the United States of Ame...

Barely There

It's been 3 years and 1 month And we're doing okay. Sometimes, though, brother, I forget that we've lost you We talk about you, and laugh about you, and tell stories. But, you're barely there. I don't want you to fade away I want to hold onto you. I try, but it's hard. I forget your deep tenor voice, your kwerky smile, your engineer-minded projects. Your passion for all things Subaru was contagious And your passion for life was just as much so. It's as if you were a brightly lit flame for only such a time Now, all I see is what one sees when they close their eyes after turning off bright lights. Dots and sparkles in my vision of where you once were. I know this is the way it will be until I see you again, but barely there is better than not at all.

Back to the Future

I wonder what life would have been like if I'd been born one year later or one year earlier than I was. I wonder what life would have been like if I'd been born somewhere else or with different parents or if I had been born without my innate personality traits or my natural tendencies or a different name. I wonder if I had chosen to remain home-schooled through high-school or attend a different university or try a different career path or date another person or even eat that sushi last night.  Would I be somewhere else right now? Would I even be writing this nonsensical blog post? Would I be working an eighty hour work week as a marine biologist in Washington? Would I be writing my second novel about superheroes at a Starbucks in Manhattan? Would I be holding a child I'd adopted from India and pruning my homegrown herb garden? If I were to go back in time, would I change anything to be somewhere different than I am? --- I can't answer that. --...

Before and After

Before Every day was an expectation, trying to imagine the promises fulfilled. Hanging on to hope, barely trusting God, running to comforts and idols, anything. Reading and re-reading the Scriptures anticipating, waiting, watching,  for any sign of the One. He was meant to come soon but how long must they wait? Hundreds of years of silence  stretching into forever? He would arise and save them from their state of sin but when? After He arose!  From the grave, defeating Death He, the Son of God, had come! Rejoice, all the Earth! Sing out his praises! The Promised One  The Sacrificial Lamb  The Lord Jesus Christ For He vanquished sin Raise your voices in jubilee! He lived a miracle-filled life, a Scripture-fulfilling life,  and then He, our Beloved Savior, died. On a tree, alone, forsaken. Three days, of waiting, His children left to hope once more, until He conquered the grave, asce...


This time of year everything is coming alive Breathing, growing, blossoming There is still snow on the ground,  Cold clinging to the shadows  BUT it is spring! Everywhere, there is new life The birds chirp happily,  greeting the morning with cheer Warmth and sunshine bring hope to the world. Once again Bright blue skies and brilliant sunsets chase away bitter wind and biting darkness There is such beauty in fragile things.

Brother: Special 3 Year Anniversary Edition

1. Superman posing on La Luz Trail, Sandia Mountains, circa 2010 2. I think we were both feeling unwell...we look rather deranged, actually. 3. The Five Wandering Webbs, circa Christmas 2012  4. Always plugged into electronics 5. Photobomber! (New Mexico State University, circa 2010)    ----------------- It's been 3 years , dear brother, since we had to say goodbye. You were 23 when you left, which always strikes me as too young. Yet, looking through these pictures, I laugh at us, how much we lived! And I realize, those years, so few in number, were so still rich and so full. You didn't know the future, but you loved as best you could. You faced each day courageously, with humor and joy. You were a great brother,  a loving son, a handsome husband, a fun cousin, a goofy nephew, a caring grandson, a giving friend. I'm so grateful for you, Kolby. And I am so honored to have been your sister! Thanks, bro, for sharing 2...


Can the blind have sight, have sight? When you see us all alone Can you heart your people, Lord? - Does Your Heart Break?  - - by The Brilliance - How often must I ask? God, are you listening to us? do you see us? We've seen what you've done, but we remain blind to what you are doing now. Why do you remain hidden from us? Your goodness is everywhere,  yet we continue on, stumbling in the dark,  attempting to understand. God, help us. Like the Disciples of old, in their naivety and youth, we struggle with your works and words Why are you yet a mystery? Reveal yourself to us Show us your plans for us. Desperate and alone, we long for you. We continue to wait,  as the Eleven in the upper room,  not daring to hope, doubting the Truth Come to us, Lord,  Give us life and joy and peace. We want to know you, God,  We want to see you.

Bangkok and Beyond

1. Tropical Paradise on Koh Kood Island, Southeastern Thailand 2. Mango with Coconut Sticky rice at Silom Cooking School 3. In the Grand Palace and Temple of Thai Kings 4. Walking with Elephants in Chiang Mai, northern city in Thailand 5. Bangkok Skyline, home to 8 million People Sawadee ka!  (Hello in Thai) :) These 5 pictures are only a handful of the many I took on my recent trip to the Land of a Thousand Smiles . Although pictures do speak a thousand words, I wonder how I could possibly describe this rich, diverse and beautiful country in just 5 words? 1. Versatile:  Not only does one have to be flexible when touring the country, but the country is also so versatile in so many ways. Each city, region, location has its own culture, people groups, social norms, food and mode of transportation. My friend and I traveled to the middle (Bangkok), the south (the island of Koh Kood) and the north (Chiang Mai, Rose of the North) and...

Be Still

As we get closer to camping season,  I find myself yearning for the solitude  and stillness of the woods. We're just a few weeks away  but it feels like a lifetime! I long to be back in a tent,  waking to the quiet wilderness. I miss gazing at the magnificent night sky,  lounging by a crackling fire. I miss the whispers of the woods,  the river's gurgle and splash. I miss the sigh of the wind through leaves,  the murmur of streams and patter of rain. It is out there, I just can't reach it, not quite yet I desire it desperately  because, being out there, is a reminder to me to be still Out there, is home It's a place where I can be genuinely free Free from rushing through life Harried and worried about so many things Out there, I can fish or hike or just  soak in the beauty of creation Be still, it all whispers to me  There's no need to be anxious It will all be alright  I can br...


I don't know when, or why, I thought it would be a fun idea to title every one of my blog posts with words that start with the letter "B" But, as with all of my "fun ideas" it has become a challenge.  I nearly came to the point that my excuse for not writing anymore was just that  I just could not think of any more blog titles. I wonder why it was so easy to give up like that.  Not just in writing, but, perhaps, in many things in life.  The word I've used for this blog post title,  translated from the beautiful German language,  means "Just a little".  It takes just a little excuse to stop doing something you used to love. It takes just a little time to forget the reasons why you began. It takes just a little thought to stop trying, and just give up. However The opposite is also true. It takes just a little energy to type words on a keyboard It takes just a little bravery to hit the "Publish" ...


He was born and I didn't realize how much he'd change my life He died and I've realized I'll never be the same I look through pictures,  flashbacks of memories,  laughing at us We were ridiculous, such silly kids  Always cooking up some scheme or another However, whenever an experiment went south I bailed and let him take the blame Being a year and half apart  I really wasn't the wise older sister, But I was his conscience quite often Mostly telling him what to do But he was still one of my best friends We called him Kolbs Or Kolbster Or Knucklehead Or Dudester Or Broseph (He had a lot of nicknames, now that I think about it!) He and I…we clicked, ya know? I'd say we were both sensitive souls,  aware of more than what was on the surface We were empathetic and thoughtful, but we were pretty extroverted  loved being around and loving on people I feel like we laughed easily (he could make you laugh without...

Broken and Beautiful

To give credit where credit is due, I stole the title for this post from the titular song by Mark Schultz (from that album of the same name) that used to listen to non-stop when I was a teen. I didn't understand, exactly, what I was listening to but I knew the lyrics were powerful to a degree. While I couldn't comprehend the magnitude of what it means to be broken and still yet beautiful, the words still resonated with me. In essence, the song is a praise of who God is and What He has done. Confession? I am broken. In so many, many ways. So very often I feel beyond God's incredible, ever-enduring love. But God makes me beautiful. He reaches into my life, takes my brokenness as His own and I become His. His beautiful one, His Beloved, His most precious creation. How can this be? When I feel so lost and alone, He is there? How can the God of the Universe take this mere moral and fill her with Himself? In Him. my deepest fears are faced and conquered. In Him, ...

But there are stars

They say that when you fall, all you have to do is get back up again. They say that when you're hurt,  all you need is time to heal. They that when you are lost, look up at the stars and you'll find your way. There is truth there, in what they say. There is hope, for some.  But... Sometimes, when that's me - the person who fell the person who hurt and was hurt the person who is lost - Sometimes, those words, they injure more than mend. Sometimes,  nothing said is better  than saying the "right thing".  I don't know how to answer when people ask  "How are you?" I want to say "I'm fine. I'm brave. I can do this." I want to say "It's going to be okay." I want to say "Nothing broke that can't be fixed." But... While some of that is the truth, sometimes, Other times, the other truths reveal the hurt What hurts the most is the loss of so...