Back to School
The advertisements are flooding in,
and the tax-free weekends are upon us.
And you know what THAT means...
school is coming our way.
In order to prepare for the most studious
and educational season of the year,
I've come up with 6 tips
to help students of all ages succeed.
...whether it be studying or cleaning your ENTIRE house,
balancing your life is key.
...if one of you OWNS the library,
that's even better.
...buck teeth and all. #adorable the cafeteria, the gym or the fairytale forest.
S'long as you have fun!
5. Be Creative
...English class knows no bounds. #chalkisthebest.
...Time management is always very important.
Hopefully, you're never late.
There you have it, folks,
Just some little things to keep in mind
as we head into school semester 2013.
What else would YOU add?
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