Before the Parade Passes by

Do you ever feel like you're left behind?
No, not like the rapture has happened or anything
more like life has waved 'so long' 
and you're on the side of the road 
gripping your suitcase and 
grasping your slowly fading dreams

You're watching the parade pass by
with your friends twisting batons 
and singing in joyous tandem
having the time of their lives
while you're the one on the sidelines

This is a feeling I've been having often.
I look around and see the lives others lead
which leaves me thinking
The die has already been rolled
The cast has already been cast
The train has already left the station
The parade is passing me by

But then, I see the Truth.
I was meant for something more.
I AM supposed to join the parade.
My place is not on the sidewalk.
God has bigger, bolder, more outrageous plans
He has granted me opportunities
and given me relationships
He's orchestrated the entire parade
And I'm called to march along
before the parade passes by.

Just so you get the song stuck in your head, too.


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