Baited Breath

My grandparents and I have good conversations.
Our daily conversing can be
silly or goofy or serious or deep 
but most of the time
I come away from them a little wiser
a little more aware
and hopefully a little more grown-up.

I was chatting with my Gramma about waiting.
I'm in a stage of life where I feel like waiting 
is the name of the game.
It's hard and challenging 
and not at all comfy
but, sometimes,
 the best things come from it.
My Gramma waited for my Grandpa.

Let me tell you, 
that took a while to sink in.
She waited for HIM.
I mean, in a culture where we, 
meaning young women,
are encouraged to be aggressive
 and chase our potential mates
it was beyond refreshing to hear Gramma's story.

She and Grandpa are high school sweethearts
and they just celebrated their 50th.
And she was the one waiting for him.
She didn't become less of a woman
so he could become more of a man.
She patiently and determedly
kept living life until the day
 they finally exchanged vows.

To me, as a girl in a world of hurry,
a society of get-it-now-or-else
it's really nice to know 
that my baited breath is worth it.
I can keep going strong
and know my grandparents 
are really smart.


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