
I confess, I'm a read-a-holic.
Books are my go-to therapy.
I've consumed 3 books,
read 180, 000 words and 
slept approximately 16 hours
in 3 days. 
It's a problem.
But I can't blame the literature, 
it's not them, it's me. 

Books have always been a passion,
I vividly remember Dad reading to us
even before I was reading.
All three of us kids curled up in his chair
listening to his voice imitate every character.

He was Aslan and Bilbo Baggins 
and Curious George and Charlie Bucket.
He instilled a love of books
that I don't think will ever be erased.

Even now, we share our book love.
I know when I'm staying up past 2 a.m.
for just one more chapter
My sister and dad are too.
And that's awesome.
Because I know I'm not alone.

Books are more than pages 
or words or ideas or characters.
Books bring people together.
They inspire conversations 
and initiate relationships.
They make you cry, 
and they make you think.

And that's why I'm okay with limited sleep
and bleary eyes.
Because, hey,
books are worth it.


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