Blue Jeans
I went to nearly ten stores today
What was I looking for?
A pair of good ol' fashioned blue jeans.
None of those jean-leggings for me
(affectionately christened Jeggings)
Or those ripped, rubbed, bejeweled pants.
Just simple, unspectacular jeans.
Because classic jeans are in my blood.
Nothing bring back my roots
as much as blue jeans.
There's nothing quite as American
as blue jeans.
My Grandpa wears blue jeans
when he's branding cattle at his ranch
My Dad wears blue jeans
when under the hood of a car.
Grandma and Mom wear blue jeans
when they're making home a home.
I don't need anything fancy
Nothing over-fashionable or
outstanding or flashy.
Just something that reminds me
that I don't have to be somebody else.
I don't have to be over-the-top
to be comfortable in my skin.
What makes you feel blue jean comfortable?
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