Bragging Rights

In the midst of writing a flurry of multiple resumes 
and editing and re-editing multiple cover letters
I've discovered an interesting fact about myself.
Turns out, I don't really have anything that I'm really good at.

No, no, don't take that to mean I think I suck.

Because, I'm a created being and God has gifted me uniquely. 
What I allude to is that I don't really have a strong skill in anything.
Sure, I like running and sewing and scrapbooking,
but, think about it, those aren't exactly things you put in your resume.
I don't really have anything to brag about myself in the job market
Again, NOT saying I'm a terrible person with no abilities.
I just don't have worldly bragging rights in anything.
Which, for me, is a good thing.

Because, I am a prideful person.
And I stumble a lot in that pride.
For instance, when I accomplish something
I tend to
Yeah, not good.

I really, honestly think if I had any spectacular skill
for me, it would become a problem.
I would take that skill and let it become my meaning in life.
Doing stuff well is good.
But not when doing that something becomes the end goal.
When I have bragging rights, who does it benefit?
Well, mostly, ME
(i.e. the person who did the awesome something)

So, while I can't boast of my amazing job-oriented gifts
I can rest in the fact that my talents lie elsewhere
In places where I don't have to one-up anyone
to feel good about myself.


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